Friday 1 May 2009

MochiAds Earnings for April

MochiAds earnings for April are as follows:

Total earned as a developer was $7.19. This is the largest amount earned in one month to date, and several times all the previous months added together. This is basically due to the success of one game, Easter Egg Match.

Even though there were a number of problems with releasing the game, due to making it at the last minute, it being the first proper AS3 game I've tried and the first time I tried using any encryption software, all of which combined to make the initial releases' leaderboards not work, which more than likely cut down on plays, and the only distribution was done through the Mochi network, this game still out performed every other game in terms of both paid impressions and revenue generated.

The success of this game suggests it may be worth while developing a bunch of holiday themed games ahead of time, and releasing them near the holiday in question.

Total money earned as a publisher was $0.04, substantially down from the previous month even though there was a slight increase in total impressions. This suggests eCPM for the hosted games was substantially lower.

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