Friday 1 October 2010

MochiAds Earnings for September

The total earned as a developer from MochiAds in September was $33.67, up substantially from last month. A significant amount of the increase was from Picture Find, still the best performing game. Total developer impressions were slightly down, so the increase was due to better eCPM.

There are three games on the list with Chinese names. These are free translations into Chinese, done by Mochi, of existing games, Picture Find, Pyramid Solitaire and Space Slots. Mochi is going to distribute these games to Chinese portals, and hopefully stop said portals from taking peoples games and removing the links and advertising.

Given the low eCPM for Chinese traffic, it's unlikely that any significant income will be derived from this, but any is better than none, and the eCPM has shown an upwards trend. It's now several times higher than it used to be, which still mean this is only a couple of cents.

I intend in the future to integrate the translations into the games, rather than making new versions; however, these three games are all in ActionScript 2, and I hadn't looked into doing this in AS2, and have no intention of learning new methods in it.

Earnings as a publisher were $0.28, again significantly up from last month, although impressions weren't that much greater.

It's interesting to note though that, despite the publisher earnings having increased, Google AdSense made more on the 30th September from pages with games on than the publisher earnings for the entire month.

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