Monday, 29 June 2009

myLot Payment Threshold Passed

I've passed the $10 myLot payment threshold. This means a payment can be expected by the 15th of August.

Passing the threshold took longer than it has for some time, mostly due to less activity from my referrals.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

MochiAds Earnings for May

Total MochiAds earnings for May were $1.42 as a developer and $0.09 as a publisher.

Publisher earnings were up from last month, as were total impressions, although total earned is still low.

Developer earnings were substantially down, as no new games were released. Easter Egg Match is still the largest earner.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Kongregate May Earnings

Total earnings from Kongregate in May were $0.13. Nothing spectacular, as no new games had been added, so any earnings were purely residual from previously submitted games.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

myLot May Earnings

Total myLot earnings for May were $2.62. Together with the previous months' balance, this brings the total owed to $5.47, still below the $10 payment threshold.