Wednesday, 12 August 2009

Second Facebook Application

I have added my Flash game, Quiz Me, as another application on Facebook. This game hasn't been very widely distributed due to problems with getting the questions to load on other sites. The application is here: Quiz Me

Friday, 7 August 2009

Facebook Application

I made my Flash game, Picture Find, into a Facebook application. It's only a very simple integration currently, as I was just trying to work out how to do it. The game is available here: Picture Find

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

myLot Earnings for July

Total earnings from myLot for July were $1.81, one of the lowest figures in some time. Neither I nor my referrals were particularly active during July, which accounts for that.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Kongregate Earnings for July

Kongregate earnings for July were $5.57, up substantially from the previous month. This was basically due to submitting five new games during the month, rather than much in the way of residual income from existing games.

Monday, 3 August 2009

MochiAds July Earnings

Total earnings from MochiAds in July were $2.69. with Easter Egg Match still one of the better earners. Several old games were monetized in July, although not all of them have been put into distribution yet. Space Slots, despite being basically pointless, performed better than expected.

Total earnings as a publisher were $0.09, slightly down from the previous month, although total impressions were up again.