The total earned from Fizzy for July was $6.78, up from last month. There were four games active during July, with the best performance from Little Bo Peep's Sheep Toss and Pyramid Solitaire.
Kongregate earnings for July were $1.43, up substantially from last month. Most of this was from the release of Obama Uppy which, despite being one of my lowest rated games there, is one of the best performing - for me, anyway. It seems that most of the income I get from Kong is from the lower rated games. Go figure.
Total earned as a developer for July from MochiAds was $22.10, down slightly from last month, with Picture Find once again the highest earner. Obama Uppy did reasonably well in the short time it was publicly available, despite getting poor ratings.
Total earned as a publisher was $0.16, substantially down from last month, mostly due to performance problems on the Games Portal.
All the blog posts, comments and images have now been transferred to my WordPress site. All new blog posts will be here, although I will still leave this blog in place.