Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Actual Earnings for January

This is money that was actually received during January, not just theoretical future earnings.

Affiliate Earnings:

myLot: $10.68
Google AdSense : £97.00

eBay Earnings:

Profit: £20.61

These are after deducting PayPal fees, eBay fees, post & packing fees and stock cost.

On the plus side, I reached Bronze PowerSeller status in January. On the minus side, this doesn't show up anywhere, and you can't use the logo or mention it at all on eBay. So the only thing it's good for currently is the discount.

Flash Earnings:

MochiAds: $101.31

Web Directory Advertising:

This is after deducting PayPal fees. $135.50

Total Earnings for January:

£117.61 and $261.53

Tuesday, 8 February 2011

MindJolt Earnings for January

The total earned from MindJolt in January was $42.87, substantially down from last month as expected.

Performance has been less than spectacular. The eCPM for MindJolt's adverts is substantially lower than that for MochiAd's on MindJolt. Combined with the huge percentage of deliberately skipped ads - about 41% in December and 25% in January - and total performance was substantially below what would have been expected if MochiAds had been shown.

Monday, 7 February 2011

Kongregate Earnings for January

Another typically poor month from Kongregate with only $0.10 earned. Unless a game that actually appeals to Kongregate players is added there, it's going to take a long time to make the last $6 required for payout.

Friday, 4 February 2011

Fizzy Earnings for January

The total earned from Fizzy for January was $11.43, down a bit from previous months.

Tuesday, 1 February 2011

MochiAds Earnings for January

The total earned from MochiAds as a developer for January was $38.38, down quite a bit from the previous month, even though impressions were up very slightly. eCPM was down quite a bit which accounted for the drop in income, probably because of the typical drop in most advertising budgets in this part of the year. Pyramid Solitaire was the highest earner, followed by Picture Find.

The total earned as a publisher was $0.76, up from the previous month which was due to a large increase in impressions, rather than eCPM.